WASP: Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software
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Planen är att koppla samman universitet och forskning och hittills har man samarbeten med Chalmers, KTH, Linköpings, Lunds och Umeå Universitet. WASP får resurser att skapa den kunskapsplattform som Sverige behöver för att kunna verka i forskningsfronten och fortsätta vara konkurrenskraftigt i framtiden, säger Mille Millnert, styrelseordförande i Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program. Wasp-hs. Wallenberg Foundations has launched WASP-HS as an initiative for research in humanities and social science in AI and autonomous systems. The WASP-HS program is planned to run 2019 – 2028 and will form an independent and parallel program to WASP, The Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program. WASP-HS ska vara fristående från, men drivas i nära samarbete med, WASP, Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program.
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Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation and Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation together are investing in the WASP-HS research program that will analyze ethical, economic, labor market, social, cultural and legal aspects of The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation’s AI research funding initiative will be carried out within the framework of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), launched in 2015. The new initiative will add SEK 1 billion in funding to the approximately SEK 1.3 billion that the Foundation has already granted. Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program, WASP, som lanserades 2015, med Linköpings universitet som värduniversitet, får ett tillskott på 1 miljard kronor för att bygga kompetens inom olika delar av AI; Maskininlärning, djupinlärning, och matematik. WASP-HS A complement to the Wallenberg Foundations’ WASP initiative was launched in 2019 under the name of WASP-HS. Its aim is to realize excellent research and develop competence on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems with a strong investment on research in humanities and social science. WASP. The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), is Sweden’s largest private research initiative ever.
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En satsning på tre miljarder kronor av Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse på grundforskning inom autonoma system och AI. Wallenberg storsatsar på artificiell intelligens, AI. Nu tar före detta Ericsson-toppen över familjens forskarprogram WASP. Bakom sig har hon en budget på nästan 4 miljarder kronor. Bakgrund WASP.
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Foto: Gonzalo Irigoyen Vi står på Den stora svenska satsningen på WASP, Wallenberg AI Autonomous Systems and Software Program, har bidragit till det, säger Fredrik Heintz. Med en budget på 5,5 miljarder kronor ska Wallenbergfinansierade WASP få fart på utvecklingen av AI och autonoma system. ”Långsiktigheten Peter Wallenberg, ordförande Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse. Redan 2015 lanserades WASP, Wallenberg autonomous systems and Forskningsprogrammet WASP, Wallenberg AI, Autonomous System and Software program söker nu en koordinator. Akademisk examen (3-6 år).
WASP-HS hemsida. WASP Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program, WASP, är Sveriges enskilt största privata forskningssatsning någonsin. Målsättningen är att lyfta Sverige till en internationellt ledande position inom områdena mjukvara, autonoma system och AI.
Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) – Humanities and Society Som ett komplement till Wallenbergstiftelsernas satsning på Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – WASP, har ett forskningsprogram initierats - WASP-HS som ska undersöka förändringar till följd av de teknikskiften som kommer med artificiell intelligens och
Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) är finansierat av Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, KAW. Den totala budgeten för programmet är mer än 5,5 miljarder kronor med målet att rekrytera upp till 100 nya forskargrupper och över 600 doktorander, varav minst 150 industridoktorander. Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program, WASP, som lanserades 2015, med Linköpings universitet som värduniversitet, får ett tillskott på 1 miljard kronor för att bygga kompetens inom olika delar av AI; Maskininlärning, djupinlärning, och matematik.
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The vision of The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society (WASP-HS) is to realize excellent research and develop competence on the opportunities and Wasp-hs. Wallenberg Foundations has launched WASP-HS as an initiative for research in humanities and social science in AI and autonomous systems. The WASP-HS program is planned to run 2019 – 2028 and will form an independent and parallel program to WASP, The Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program.
The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software
Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program is Sweden's largest individual research program ever, and provides unique opportunities for
Sep 29, 2020 The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) was launched in 2015 but received an additional billion Swedisn
Sep 19, 2019 WARA-PS, WASP Autonomous Research Arena for Public Safety, is a part of WASP, Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software
Oct 14, 2019 (MPI-IS) with a large group of faculty and PhD students from Sweden's Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP). Nov 14, 2019 Peter Wallenberg Jr and Sara Mazur, chair of the national AI research programme WASP-AI, visited Örebro in October to get a closer look at the
Oct 9, 2018 Supported by the The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the and a Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP)
15 mar 2018 Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program ( WASP) is Sweden's largest ever individual research program,
AeroVironment's Wasp AE is an all-environment Unmanned Aircraft System UAS that combines hand-launch capabilities with deep-stall landing for operations
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Taking the pulse of AI in Sweden – WASP - Wallenberg AI
Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden’s largest ever individual research program, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. For general information about WASP, visit the main WASP webpage. The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society The vision of WASP-HS is to realize excellent research and develop competence on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems with a strong investment on research in humanities and social science.
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Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program
Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation and Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation together are investing in the WASP-HS research program that will analyze ethical, economic, labor market, social, cultural and legal aspects of The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation’s AI research funding initiative will be carried out within the framework of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), launched in 2015. The new initiative will add SEK 1 billion in funding to the approximately SEK 1.3 billion that the Foundation has already granted. Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program, WASP, som lanserades 2015, med Linköpings universitet som värduniversitet, får ett tillskott på 1 miljard kronor för att bygga kompetens inom olika delar av AI; Maskininlärning, djupinlärning, och matematik. WASP-HS A complement to the Wallenberg Foundations’ WASP initiative was launched in 2019 under the name of WASP-HS. Its aim is to realize excellent research and develop competence on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems with a strong investment on research in humanities and social science. WASP.
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February 24th, 2021. Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden’s largest ever individual research program, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. It is by far the largest individual research program in Sweden. Artificiell intelligens och autonoma system förutspås leda till en fjärde industriell revolution, något som ibland också kallas för Industri 4.0. Vid Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program, WASP, pågår en intensiv forskning inom de två områdena.
NEWS Diego Calvanese, Wallenberg Guest Professor in Artificial Intelligence for Data Management at the Department of Computing Science of Umeå University, has received the prestigious AAAI Classic Paper Award 2021. “I consider this type of recognition the most important one that a scientific publication can receive because it testifies to the strong impact that the research has had over Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever, and provides a platform for academic research and education, fostering interaction with Sweden’s leading technology companies. The program addresses research on … https://portal.research.lu.se/portal/en/projects/throughput-control-in-autonomous-networks(4fd3dd09-e426-4b32-bd31-7498b9c80801)/projects.html?pageSize=25&page=0 RSS https://portal.research.lu.se/portal/sv/projects/performance-bug-detection-through-combined-static-and-dynamic-program-analysis(131494f2-6683-461a-906b-1bdbf5f8e6c5 https://portal.research.lu.se/portal/en/projects/millimeterwave-radio-based-positioning(c52c5983-c950-4ee2-b8e9-2823897afb12)/projects.html RSS Feed Wed, 10 Mar 2021 Marcus Wallenberg is passionate about research, innovation and entrepreneurship. “We need to take care of research and technical development, and this cannot just be a task for big corporations.