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Golfed 2 or 3 times a week in June, and into July. Have used this retriever perhaps 20 - 30 times altogether, and had been relatively pleased with it, though it frequently dropped balls before the tip was completely out of the briars/woods/weeds. Search, discover and share your favorite Retriever GIFs. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. retriever 242 GIFs.

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Vi har varit ledande inom digitaliseringen av mediebevakningsbranschen i över ett decennium, genom att lansera den senaste tekniken på marknaden och genom att anpassa vår verksamhet till det ständigt föränderliga datalandskapet. Retriever is the number one Data Analysis company and Communication Insight provider in the Nordics. We have been leading the digital transformation of the Media Monitoring industry for over a decade, by introducing the latest technology to the market and by adapting our business to the constantly evolving data landscape.