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Search jobs · Meet the universities · Employer · Job seekers. Choose country. Europe; Sweden; Norway; Finland  Find jobs in sweden. Doctoral student in Software Engineering PhD student in Construction Management and Building Technology – Digital twin for  WASP AI Program: PhD position in Optimization and Machine Learning. 2021-06-15. Type of employment Temporary position longer than 6  Jobs and vacancies at SLU. Read more about each job by clicking the job title.

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5 and 6, Stockholm. Courses are held in house no. 5 and the offices are in house no. 6. Fax: +46 8-6126717.

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Location of job: Drottninggatan 98, Stockholm, 11160, Sweden (map).

Each year the available opportunities are up to degree-seeking PhD 2020-09-25 PhD position in Cell Biology, Sweden 549 views. PhD position in Cell Biology, Sweden.
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EURAXESS SWEDEN. Toggle navigation ; Jobs & Funding More. Working environment. Working environment in Sweden; Charter Code for Researchers (EU content) Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) PhD student position. Most doctoral students at Halmstad University have a PhD student position at the University.

Doctoral education is conducted at all four schools and the university has about 203 doctoral students. Jönköping International Business School offers Doctoral Programmes entirely conducted For further information about the position please contact: Professor Per Artursson, telefon +46 70 425 08 88, email
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Application Find more open positions on the Swedish version of this page. Postdoc position in Operation and maintenance with specialization in eMaintenance, 2021-04-19 PhD Position in Experimental Mechanics – Digital twin, Creaternity Graduate School Lulea university of technology, 97187 Luleå, Sweden. PhD in Media and Communication.

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The application process differs depending on if the doctoral position is officially announced or not. 46 Fully Funded PhD Position at Lund University, Sweden I Researchers Jobs February 20, 2021 15 Postdoctoral Position at Queen’s University Belfast, UK I Researchers Jobs February 19, 2021 56 Postdoctoral Position at University of Oxford, England I Researchers Jobs February 19, 2021 External funding can consist of employment outside the university or a stipend from an external source.

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Doctoral (PhD) student position in the area of human immune development. KTH Royal Institute of Technology PhD Vacancies. Lund University PhD Vacancies. Orbro University PhD … PhD-student position in Biomedical Science The PhD student will be admitted to a PhD education at Malmö University.

2 dagar sedan · The PhD positions are partly funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant MAGNETO that aims to develop a novel diagnostic and therapeutic platform to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in children.